
And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved. 

Acts 2:47

Every week people gather in buildings, schools, storefronts all over the world because one of the joys of the Christian life is being an active member of a church. Every Christian should have a feeling of joy about the church they choose to join. Every Christian should want to be a member of a church because they have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and want to be identified with Him. He died for the church so we should want to live for the church.
A Christian should join a church because of the fellowship, support, accountability and encouragement it provides. A Christian should want to be involved in worship, prayer, Bible study, training, discipleship, ministry, etc. Being an involved member of a church assures growth as a follower of Christ. Churches vary in the way they receive new members.
If you desire to become a member of Grace Baptist Church; you may do so by publicly stating your acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and by baptism by immersion, or by transferring your membership from a church of like faith. If records have been lost or churches no longer exist, we accept individuals on their word or statement of faith and previous church membership.
However you decide to join, you must come forward at the conclusion of a worship service and state your desire to join and attend a New Members Class.
Joining a church ought to be one of the most meaningful experiences of life. The Bible teaches that one of these days Jesus is coming back for His church, and all Christians who have been faithful in the church will be a part of that great day!